Welcome Queens!

First off, I was having a little fun with AI tools and made these images to represent my true sense of self. And believe me, they have helped me release some of the limiting beliefs I previously held about my self and who I was. It is my face, though!

I am Protective.
I am Mother.
I am Queen.

My Favorite Quote

“Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.”

Maya Angelou

Reminder #1

Your worth is not defined by your relationship.

Reminder #2

Freedom starts with a single, brave decision.

Reminder #3

You deserve a life filled with love and respect.

photo of Gracie Blue courtesy of @owenp1t

Courage is a muscle

How Protective Mother Queen Arose

I want to share something powerful I learned recently from Marcus Aurelius, thanks to Ryan Holiday. He said that the only way people who do you wrong can truly hurt you, is if you become like them. 

Part of my journey has involved contending with this idea of victim mentality. It’s always easier to say my life turned out the way it has because of the wounds I suffered. But the people involved in those wounds have not actually hurt me. I was wounded, not denying that, but I did not become like them.

If I had allowed myself to become bitter, angry, and vengeful, that’s when I could truly say I was hurt. I would have compromised my core being. I can no longer say, in good conscience, that people have hurt me. Instead, I choose to make a conscious effort to be kinder to myself and others. I refuse to let the world and all that’s happened hurt my essence. The more I keep believing, “I am hurt” or, “I was hurt by others”, the less personal power I am practicing. I am not hurt. I have not been hurt. I have not allowed myself to become like them. I just haven’t.

It’s easy to dismiss difficult experiences as “things happen for a reason” which can feel like spiritual BS after awhile. In my victim mentality, my initial reaction was often that things happened TO me. Circumstances were out of my control.

It was crazy-making and kept me in my past. 

To move myself into a more empowered mentality, I began to reframe and tell myself things were happening FOR me. That all that happened was for my growth. Except I found myself perseverating on the why. Why did it happen and could I prevent such harsh lessons from happening in the future? If only I could figure out what led up to the happening, maybe I could avoid the ensuing pain. 

It was crazy-making and kept me in my past. 

Today, I practice staying as present as possible. I take the signs I receive at face value. It’s just me and the Greater Oneness, speaking to me in many beautiful, creative ways. I’m going through a huge physical, emotional, and mental challenge and seeking a path forward for healing, which requires change.

It takes bravery to show this journey. Discomfort can become comfortable, and change is hard work, but to stay where I am is unbearable and untenable.

My mission is to heal my life. It’s a mission we are all on. It is not my soul that needs healing. My soul is already whole, unharmed, and perfectly beautiful. My aim is to love myself and my life as my soul already and forever does, to purify my life and live as close to the Greater Oneness, as possible.

Thank you for reading. Let’s heal together.

Favourite music

Taylor Swift, Billie Eilish & Greta van Fleet

Favourite Drink

BC Water

Favourite people


Favourite Animal

Gracie – my Corgi/Aussie

Favourite Book

Demon Copperhead

Favourite Hobby

Writing & Mixed Media Collage

You, My Friend

have come to the right place

My wisdom needs a place to go.

If you are at any stage of the transformative journey from feeling trapped, dependent, weakened, scared and/or hopeless to a life of freedom, independence, strength, bravery and hope, please join me inside the Fearless Freedom Newsletter.